Sunday, 31 March 2013

Poem number 1

It's just gone midnight so technically this is now the 1st April, the big day is here.....
I know I should be in bed and fast asleep by now like any normal person, but normal is something Im not!!
For the past 13 years I have lived with narcolepsy, a condition which affects my sleep /wake pattern so I am quite often awake at stupid times ( like now). It is during these times that I  often find myself jotting down ideas or writing poems....

And that brings me to this. My first offering.

I don't know why I do these things,
I must be off my head!
I sit here writing poems,
When I should be off to bed.

30 poems in 30 days,
A challenge yes I know.
Tomorrow morn is April first,
The here I go.

I present to you my first,
A poem of simple rhyme.
Please bear with my as I write
They will improve with time.

I hope you like my ditty
There's many more to write.
But now I'll end with this last verse
And bid you all good night.

So there it is. The first of my 30 poems. Only 29 more to go!!  Its very rough and it's very late as I write it so please forgive me if it seems overly simple....

It's nearly here..........

Well here it is the last day before the 30 poems in 30 days challenge begins....Now I am starting to feel really nervous.

So many of my friends have encouraged me to do this and I hope I do not let them down.

I have my little book with me almost constantly now jotting down ideas for poems as I get them. They may be long..they may be short..they may be posted on here IF I  think they are good enough ( and if they are finished of course) I will aim to at least start a new one every day but I have no idea if I will finish them....

Good luck to everyone else who is taking part and if you want to check out who else has joined, or if you would like to have a go yourself this is where you need to look:-

Saturday, 30 March 2013


I found one of the first poems I wrote today

. I was looking for some household documents and came across it in the old family bible i have. It was written when I was in my first year of secondary school I was my mothers day poem to my mum. 
Reading it back made me cry. 

My mum passed away 5 years ago this summer and reading it,I remember how much I miss her. I guess Im sad too because she will never know how proud I was to call her mum and how she became and still is my inspiration for many of my newer poems..

So thanks mum.... xx

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Ok, this is my first attempt at writing a blog so please forgive me if the first few attempts make no sense.The main reason I've set this up is because I've been inspired to try and write 30 poems in 30 days,,,1 for every day of April.

April is national poetry writers month,  anyone can have a go, if they are mad enough!!!

I've never done anything like this and very few people have seen the stuff I have already written so this is a big step for me. Apart from the enormity of the task,,,30 poems in 30 days..its the actual putting my poems online so ANYONE  can read them is a huge step for me

I will post my poems throughout April, so you can keep up with my quest. Not promising I will complete the 30 poems but I will give it my best shot.